Thursday, August 27, 2015

Treatment of herpes zoster with home remedies.

If you suffer from herpes zoster or have a family member who suffers from this disease, you should read this article because to do so you will be able to know and to choose a treatment of herpes zoster with natural remedies.

Herpes zoster, commonly called shingles, is caused by the same virus of chicken pox that has not disappeared from the body. For the treatment of herpes zoster home remedies are indicated by their low impact on side effects.

How to recognize herpes zoster?

Usually, this virus arises when our immune system is weakened or when we are exposed to high stress situations.

The symptoms are characterized by the appearance of blisters with liquid clear, causing pain in the skin and itching, headache and general discomfort. The patient tends to think that you it's a flu.

Rash develops on the lines of the nerves on top of the ribs, arms or neck. When the blisters mature, they burst and crust, and finally heal.

Herpes zoster can leave a very serious sequel called postherpetic neuralgia. It is characterized by severe pain in the area affected by the virus which is very difficult to calm with medication. The condition can be extended up to two years.

Treatment of herpes zoster. Several natural remedies.

The doctor will say that there is no specific treatment to cure this disease, but yes, you can apply different natural solutions that will help you decrease the symptoms (that are often painful and annoying).

1) Tea tree oil: make a mix of three oil drops of tree tea and three of bergamot in a cup of cold water. You wet a piece of cotton in the mixture and put it on the area affected by way of compress: it will greatly relieve pain and help dry the blisters, to quicker healing.

2) Black nightshade plant: this is a quite effective plant for herpes zoster, home remedy par excellence. Black nightshade plant contains a protein that inhibits the virus causing herpes zoster which has been proven in recent research.

If you crush leaves and fruits, you get a paste that is placed directly on the sores. This paste, in addition to accelerating the drying of the blisters, relieves pain and itching.

Treatment of herpes zoster
Treatment of herpes zoster with nightshade

3) Aloe Vera: the healing properties of Aloe Vera are much known, so it is not surprising that also serve to cure shingles. You simply apply aloe Vera crystals in the area where you have the blisters several times a day, for as long as needed. Ulcers they better scarring, and will not be brands.

4) Baking soda bath: you must pour in the tub a cup of bicarbonate previously dissolved in water. It is a treatment of herpes zoster that will relieve you itching.

5) Emulsion of olive oil and leaves of the plant hawkweed oxtongue: you must cook in a saucepan of stainless steel (not mud) a litre of oil olive, 200 g of beeswax, a glass of red wine and 20 fresh leaves of the plant hawkweed oxtongue for 45 minutes, remove with a wooden spoon. You fold fire emulsion and pass this mixture into glass jars. You apply in the affected area.

What else you can do to cure herpes zoster?

You make changes to your diet, avoiding foods with a high content of arginine as peanuts and nuts and include foods rich in lysine as milk, yogurt and cheese. When you eat gelatin you are prone to suffer from herpes by the high content of arginine of this food, if you are infected and have weakened immune systems. Lysine is an amino acid that prevents the development of the virus that causes shingles. Arginine is an amino acid that leads to the development of the virus.

In general you should strengthen your immune system eating well, avoiding stress, tobacco and alcohol consumption. The treatment of herpes zoster is up to you.

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Herpes labialis treatment: eliminate outbreaks fast

If you want to know some effective herpes labialis treatment because you're tired of suffering with those horrible blisters so unsightly and painful, do not hesitate to read this article in which you will find very good choices to your problem.

The herpes virus can be spread in many ways. In the case of the virus herpes simple type 1 which affects the lips, is transferred from one person to another to kissing, to use the same glass, when they use the same towel, etc.

Outbreaks of herpes labialis (cold sores) are in the form of red blisters accompanied by tingling, itching and burning sensation on the lips. If you are experiencing these symptoms, please do not hesitate to implement the solutions that we give you in this letter.

Now that you know a little more about this virus, it is good to know the most effective remedies for cold sores. It prevents new outbreaks or reduced which are suffering at this time by choosing any of them.

Black tea as a herpes labialis treatment.

Common tea you use to drink can serve to appease the symptoms of herpes labialis. After preparing the infusion in the usual way, not you dispose the bag in the waste bin, place it in a container and leave it to warm. Then apply lip using slight pressure, leaving the water enter in the skin.

Garlic is used to treat herpes.

Garlic is one of the best antiseptics that exist, so it is not surprising that it serve as a treatment for herpes labialis and herpes of other types that attack the upper part of the body.

You simply cut a clove of garlic in half of longitudinal or horizontal form and apply to blister or outbreak. Can you burn a little, but resist at least two minutes. Not you rinses. You will notice the effects within a few days.

Herpes labialis treatment
Herpes labialis treatment with garlic.

Milk contains lysine, and can help you a lot.

One of the components of milk is lysine, which inhibits an amino acid that stimulates the emergence of outbreaks of herpes (arginine). If you use milk externally, and accelerate the cure of the disease and if you eat it daily at breakfast or lunch, avoid the appearance of blister.

To use milk topically, only you have to warm up some milk, soak a piece of cotton and apply it on the affected area.

Herpes labialis treatment with a combination of cold packs and hot packs.

One of the remedies for herpes labialis is based on a change in temperature in the diseased area. First you apply a cube of ice wrapped in a cloth and then a cloth wet with hot water. The change in temperature will cause blisters to dry faster.

The best herpes labialis treatment is on diet and lifestyle.

These remedies for cold sores are very effective, but if you want a full and definitive treatment we need to make some changes in your lifestyle andyour diet.

You should avoid the consumption of foods rich in arginine as chocolate, peanuts, and gelatin. When you eat food with high content of this amino acid you are providing good nutrition to the virus causing cold sores and most likely you'll immediately be victim of an outbreak.

You must promote the consumption of foods rich in lysine as milk and certain types of cheeses because that way you'll be preventing the virus that causes cold sores to develop well.

You should also avoid the stress and the consumption of tobacco and alcohol. It is scientifically proven that these factors act against the immune system, providing the things to the virus.

Friday, August 14, 2015

How to cure genital herpes? recommendations for treatment.

In this article you will find several recommendations that contribute to cure genital herpes.
To cure this disease definitively, not enough just to do an efficient natural treatment

To properly heal a genital herpes, you will have to take into account also other important aspects.
How to cure genital herpes
Genital herpes in men and women

Recommendations about how to cure genital herpes

The following are the major care that you must apply; if you want your infection is completed as soon as possible:
  • The most important during the active phase of herpes is to keep the vesicles or sores clean. Wash your hands whenever you go to touch the affected area, for example, when you go to apply cream on the sores.
  • You must keep the area dry. To do this, you can use cornstarch. If you're a woman, never use talc for that purpose, because you can increase the chance of developing ovarian cancer.
  • You must keep impeccable nails; wash daily with soap and dry your hands with a sterile towel.
  • You must drink plenty of water every day; a minimum of two liters a day is indicated.
  • Do not use clothes too tight to the body, since direct contact of clothing with the sores will prevent a rapid healing of these.
  • Ibuprofen consumption can help you improve the general malaise and fever.
  • You must consume foods rich in lysine and avoid foods with a high content of arginine.

I really wish that this information helps you to understand how it is important to take certain care and you see that it is a serious illness that must be treated with great care.

If you suffer from genital herpes, what is important is that do not despair and begin to take the necessary measures to combat this disease. If you follow an appropriate treatment, not only can reverse their symptoms, they can evict the virus from your body, so, if you begin already very efficient treatment, in a very short time be able to enjoy a better state of health and you forget forever the ghost of herpes.

I hope that you are useful recommendations on how to cure genital herpes.

How to cure herpes naturally? it depends on what you eat.

In this article, you can learn about the types of most common herpes, symptoms of herpes simplex and about how to cure herpes naturally.

Causes of herpes. Viruses that cause herpes.

Herpes belongs to the Group of diseases that are transmitted by physical contact between people. There are several types of herpes; the most common are cold sores, genital herpes, and herpes zoster or shingles. The first two types of herpes are called herpes simplex.

Cold sores and other herpes that appear in the upper part of the body are mainly produced by a virus called herpes simplex type 1 (HSV-1); genital herpes is caused by the virus herpes simplex type 2 (HSV-2), while herpes zoster is caused by the action of the virus varicella zoster.

Herpes simplex. Their symptoms.

The virus herpes simplex type 1 causes blisters that occur mostly around the mouth or on the lips (oral herpes). Other parts of the face and body can also be affected. Sometimes, blisters may also appear inside the mouth, including the tongue. Blisters cause itching and pain in the affected area.

The virus herpes simplex type 2 produces the same symptoms of the virus herpes simplex type 1, but in the genital area: vagina, penis, anus, or the buttocks. It also can produce blisters on the upper part of the body, but less frequently.

Along with blisters, people can suffer from pain in the body, fever or swollen lymph glands. Nodes swollen due to oral herpes occur in the neck and the upper part of the body, while the genital herpes swollen nodes in the groin area.

When someone suffers from genital herpes his urination problems are frequent. In women, this problem is more than acute in men, but may occur in both sexes. A burning sensation may also be present when urinating.

The duration of the symptoms of herpes varies according to the virus. The symptoms of oral herpes usually last of fourteen to twenty-one days, while the symptoms of genital herpes can last of fourteen to forty-two days.

How to cure herpes naturally?

A person who has Herpes needn't necessarily strong medicines to cure herpes of one kind or another, since there are some natural treatments that are effective. One of the most important actions is to lower the level of arginine (an amino acid) in the body. Why? This amino acid encourages the growth of the herpes virus.

Another essential amino acid is lysine. The effectiveness of this amino acid has been shown to reduce levels of arginine, because it decomposes and prevents the body absorbing arginine. Anyone with herpes can buy supplements of lysine in the health food stores and online. In addition, certain foods like the yeast of beer, beef, fish, potatoes, dairy products and chicken meat are rich in lysine. There are also foods that should be avoided, since they are rich in arginine. Among these foods: chocolate, almonds, peanuts, cashews, and the sesame seeds and nuts.

A healthy and balanced diet to strengthen the immune system helps to prevent herpes infections occur (outbreaks).

This means that the consumption of foods such as sugar and junk food which weakens the immune system must be reduced. We must also avoid the consumption of alcohol and include more fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, dairy products that are low in fat and protein and healthy fats in your diet.

How tu cure herpes naturally
Get rid of herpes by eating healthy fruits

In addition to a healthy, high in lysine and low in arginine diet in general, people with herpes also must ensure that you consume enough vitamin B6, zinc, vitamin E and vitamin C in your diet. This can be achieved by choosing the right foods or taking supplements.

In addition to nutritional support that people with herpes can offer their bodies to avoid the symptoms, there are some other natural treatments to help ease such symptoms when they occur. Soak the body in warm water and baking soda is useful to relieve the blisters and is safe, even for the genital area. If person suffers from blisters in areas of the face, you can make a paste with baking soda and water, which will relieve the itching and pain that cause blisters. The ice packs will also help to relieve inflammation and pain.

In summary, if your concern is how to cure herpes naturally?, the solution is healthy eating.